Though only in his mid-twenties, Emil Kárlsen, from Omasvuotna in the far north of Norway, is already an award-winning musician, songwriter, producer, artist and actor.
The colourful raconteur, seemlessly alternating between singing and juoiggan (joiking, the traditional sámi chanting technique), upon a modern band foundation.
During summer and fall of 2023, Emil has spent his time portraying Jussi in the Disney+ Nordic Original Series “To Cook a Bear”, a Six-Part Series based on the 19th-century period crime novel by Mikael Niemi, which has sold millions of copies worldwide. The series is due to release late 2024 / early 2025.
Day-to-day management: Hedline Arts, Torgeir Ekeland - torgeir@hedline.no
Label: By Norse Music, Melanie Duperrex - melanie@bynorse.com
Booking agent: FKP Scorpio Norge, Isak Harbitz - isak@nordiclive.no